The way time flies is probably the way it has been since the beginning
9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color,
250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1720
Easy come, easy go
9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color,
250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1721
Put yourself in the right image
9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color,
250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1722
Mirror, Mirror …
9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color,
250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1723
In the labyrinth of paragraphs
9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color,
250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1724
9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color,
250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1725
Mrs. Robinson
9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color,
250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1726
The book splitter
9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1727
9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color,
250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1728
December 2023 February 2024
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