8,26 x 12,99 inch, water color, pen and ink, colored pencil,
210 x 330 mm, Federzeichnung, Aquarell, Farbstift | Dvz. 1489
Inconspicuous near by the gas station
4,13 x 12,99 inch, water color, pen and ink, colored pencil,
105 x 330 mm, Federzeichnung, Aquarell, Farbstift | Dvz. 1490
8,26 x 12,99 inch, water color, pen and ink, colored pencil, 210 x 330 mm, Federzeichnung, Aquarell, Farbstift | Dvz. 1491
Red at the corner
12,99 x 4,13 inch, water color, pen and ink, colored pencil,
330 x 105 mm, Federzeichnung, Aquarell, Farbstift | Dvz. 149
Red Shoes
12,99 x 9,25 inch, water color, pen and ink, colored pencil, 330 x 235 mm, Federzeichnung, Aquarell, Farbstift | Dvz. 1493
Long stretched act in red
12,99 x 8,26 inch, water color, pen and ink, colored pencil,
330 x 210 mm, Federzeichnung, Aquarell, Farbstift | Dvz. 1494
Lying Nude with red feather boa
8,26 x 12,99 inch, water color, pen and ink, colored pencil,
210 x 330 mm, Federzeichnung, Aquarell, Farbstift | Dvz. 1495
Dionysisan in blue
6,29 x 9,25 inch, ballpen, water colour and colered pencil,
160 x 235 mm, Kugelschreiber, Farbstift | Dvz. 1496
The dionysian completely green with avarice for blue
7,67 x 10,62 inch, water color, pen and ink, colored pencil,
195 x 270 mm, Federzeichnung, Aquarell, Farbstift | Dvz. 1497
The cabbage is not completely round, but more than healthy
4,13 x 12,99 inch, water color, pen and ink, colored pencil,
105 x 330 mm, Federzeichnung, Aquarell, Farbstift | Dvz. 1498
May 2021 July 2021
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