Bad hair day
9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color
250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1598
Sweet Dreams
9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1599
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color
250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1600
Contenance in red
9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1601
9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color
250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1602
Suzi Q
9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1603
To bee or not to bee
9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color
250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1605
Bob Dylan
9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color
250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1606
Small piece
9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color,
250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1607
Bimmel Bammel – the hunchback of Greetsiel
9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color,
250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1608
May 2022 July 2022
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