9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color,
250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1707

Lino Ventura
9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color,
250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1708

In the light of the early evening
6,88 x 9,84 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil,
175 mm x 250 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift | Dvz. 1709

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color,
250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1710

When truths change
9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1711