Autor: AndreasNossmann

Daily Works

House of puppets

7,87 x 7,87 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 200 mm x 200 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1750 Sold/Verkauft

The head of Medusa

7,87 x 7,87 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 200 mm x 200 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1749 Sold/Verkauft

Lilith in the Bay of Eden

7,87 x 7,87 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 200 mm x 200 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1748 Sold/Verkauft


10,03 x 7,87 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 255 mm x 200 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1747 Sold/Verkauft

Duo Infernalis

7,87 x 7,87 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 200 mm x 200 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1746 Sold/Verkauft

King Lear

7,87 x 7,87 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 200 mm x 200 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1745 Sold/Verkauft

Birth of Lilith

7,87 x 7,87 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 200 mm x 200 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1744 Sold/Verkauft


7,87 x 7,87 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 200 mm x 200 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1743 Sold/Verkauft


10,86 x 7,87 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 276 mm x 200 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1742 Sold/Verkauft

Welcome to the new World, Leonard

7,87 x 7,87 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 200 mm x 200 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1741 Sold/Verkauft

Strife in Hades

7,87 x 7,87 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 200 mm x 200 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1740 Sold/Verkauft

In the glow of the late rain

7,87 x 7,87 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 200 mm x 200 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1739

Whenever a curtain comes down

7,87 x 7,87 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 200 mm x 200 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1738 Sold/Verkauft

Dance at the court of fools

7,87 x 7,87 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 200 mm x 200 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1737 Sold/Verkauft

City of the fools

7,87 x 7,87 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 200 mm x 200 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1736 Sold/Verkauft


7,87 x 7,87 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 200 mm x 200 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1735 Sold/Verkauft


9,84 x 9,84 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 250 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1734 Sold/Verkauft

Limbs fool

8,46 x 11,81 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 215 mm x 300 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1733 Sold/Verkauft

Shell of Sylt

6,69 x 8,07 inches, pen and ink, water color, colored pencil, 170 mm x 205 mm, Federzeichnung, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1732 Sold/Verkauft

Physalis – smallest and fine

7,28 x 4,92 inches, pen and ink, water color, colored pencil, 185 mm x 125 mm, Federzeichnung, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1731 Sold/Verkauft

Again, always to much of everything

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1730 Sold/Verkauft

He who strolls with knowledge

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color,250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1729 Sold/Verkauft


9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1728 Sold/Verkauft

The book splitter

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1727 Sold/Verkauft

Mrs. Robinson

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1726 Sold/Verkauft


9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1725 Sold/Verkauft

In the labyrinth of paragraphs

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1724 Sold/Verkauft

Mirror, Mirror …

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1723 Sold/Verkauft

Put yourself in the right image

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1722 Sold/Verkauft

Easy come, easy go

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1721 Sold/Verkauft

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