Kategorie: Eulenspiegel

Daily Works


9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1753 Sold/Verkauft

Again, always to much of everything

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1730 Sold/Verkauft

He who strolls with knowledge

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color,250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1729 Sold/Verkauft

The book splitter

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1727 Sold/Verkauft


9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1725 Sold/Verkauft

In the labyrinth of paragraphs

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1724 Sold/Verkauft

Put yourself in the right image

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1722 Sold/Verkauft

Easy come, easy go

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1721 Sold/Verkauft

The way time flies is probably the way it has been since the beginning

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1720 Sold/Verkauft

Paths that lead into the future are never just paths in front of us.

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1719 Sold/Verkauft

How you make your bed is how you dream

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1718 Sold/Verkauft

Oh, what´s coming in from outside

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1717 Sold/Verkauft

A bureaucratic rise

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1716 Sold/Verkauft

Suction effect

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1715 Sold/Verkauft

On the throne of knowledge

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color,250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1714 Sold/Verkauft

Building a book tower at babel

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1712 Sold/Verkauft

When truths change

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1711 Sold/Verkauft


9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1710 Sold/Verkauft

Probably a kind of ladder

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1705 Sold/Verkauft

With foolish, royal foresight

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1696 Sold/Verkauft

The glue … sticks

6,88 x 9,84 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 175 mm x 250 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1695 Sold/Verkauft

You can´t trust the frog either

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1694 Sold/Verkauft

Traffic light chaos

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1692 Sold/Verkauft

You can also drink it to be beautiful

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1687 Sold/Verkauft

The end of sciatica

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1686 Sold/Verkauft

Sparkling wine or seltzer

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1685 Sold/Verkauft

Flood of meaning

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1681 Sold/Verkauft

The die is cast

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1680 Sold/Verkauft

Draw blank

9,84 x 6,88 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 250 mm x 175 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1679 Sold/Verkauft


6,88 x 9,84 inches, pen drawing, colored pencil, water color, 175 mm x 250 mm, Bleistift, Farbstift, Aquarell | Dvz. 1678 Sold/Verkauft

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